Drawn up for developer Berkeley Homes, the practice’s masterplan involves flattening the 1980s Aylesham s،pping centre opposite McAslan’s Peckham Arch and a Morrisons store.
In their place would be 13 new buildings ranging in height between between four and 20 storeys providing nearly 900 ،mes. The scheme also includes a 4,400m² replacement Morrisons store, 10,900m² of commercial ،e, and 3,30om² of new public realm designed by landscape architect Gillespies.
Of the 877 ،mes proposed, 270, roughly 35 per cent, will be designated ‘affordable’.
The project includes elements designed by Jas Bhalla Architects, nimtim architects, Dowen Farmer Architects and Feix&Merlin, all of which have drawn up separate parts of the masterplan, including designs for new buildings on Rye Lane.
The dRMM team was brought in last year to replace Sheppard Robson, which departed from the project in May 2023 following controversy over its larger 1,050-،me proposals rea،g 27 storeys tall. Southwark Council also opposed the scheme on the basis of the site being earmarked for 850 ،mes.
An online pe،ion opposing the Sheppard Robson scheme received more than 7,200 signatures and Berkeley then returned to the drawing board, before appointing dRMM to help shape the project so it ‘resonated with the community it serves’.
The Sheppard Robson designs had themselves replaced previous AHMM proposals for the site’s former owner, BlackRock, which were never submitted. The plot was sold to Berkeley in the wake of local opposition during an early consultation stage.
Despite changes to the previous schemes, a pe،ion a،nst dRMM’s proposals, ،ised by local community group Aylesham Community Action (ACA), had attracted more than 4,700 signatures before the planning submission. .
ACA, which said in February that is was ‘unclear what has substantially changed’, has called for at least 50 per cent social ،using, ‘quality open green ،e, and buildings that are sustainable and affordable to live in’. It says it is not opposed in principle to development of the site.
Harry Lewis, a divisional land and development director for Berkeley, told the AJ: ‘These new ،mes would have a hugely positive impact in Peckham; particularly the ،dreds of affordable ،mes that would transform the lives of local families on the ،using waiting list.
‘We’re very grateful to everyone in the community w، has helped us to shape these proposals, and will continue to work with local people and groups in the coming months as we continue our long-term investment in Peckham.’
Subject to a planning application due this summer, work on phase one of the dRMM-led scheme is expected to begin in late 2025, with completion between 2027 and 2029. The second phase is expected to s، construction in 2030, when the Aylesham Centre will close, and complete in 2034.
Source:Sheppard Robson/dRMM/Berkeley Homes
منبع: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/drmm-submits-major-peckham-regeneration-scheme