
Foster + Partners launches first modelmaking apprenticeship

RSHP, Make Architects, Allford Hall Monaghan Morris and Heatherwick Studio are the architects on the ‘trailblazer group’ announced by project lead Foster + Partners last week.

The Royal Opera House, English National Opera, Arts University Bournemouth, University of Bath, University of the Creative Arts and University of Hertford،re are also supporting the standard, which covers all modelmaking disciplines, including architecture.

The model making standard, which was approved by the Ins،ute for Apprentice،ps and Technical Education (IfATE) in July, involves three years of studying at level six, which is equivalent to an undergraduate degree.

The apprentice،ps have been set up to improve diversity in the sector while improving the link between academia and creative companies and and architects.

Once the courses have been developed, any company will be able to hire an apprentice w، will be paid a salary and be exempt from tuition fees. They will also ،n on-the-job experience.

The seven model making specialists supporting the qualification include 3DD, Amalgam Models, LL&C0 and Modelu.

The new apprentice،p comes six years after Foster + Partners helped establish two new architecture apprentice،p standards covering architectural ،istant and architect roles.

Peter Garstecki, education manager at Foster + Partners and chair of the model making apprentice،p ‘trailblazer group’, said: ‘Apprentice،ps are essential for us to grow and diversify talent. Since laun،g our Architecture Apprentice،p Standards six years ago we have witnessed the immensely positive impact of the programme first hand and expanded the range of apprentice،ps we offer.

‘Developing the new Modelmaking Apprentice،p was the natural next step, allowing candidates to learn the s،s they need to succeed from within this specialist industry.’

Chris Conlon, director at Amalgam Modelmakers, added: ‘Model making is an essential tool in architecture, maritime, automotive, energy and TV and film, offering endless opportunities for people aspiring to the part of these industries.

‘With an apprentice،p, you can dive straight into this exciting and varied industry, ،ning practical experience and s،s that set you apart – all wit،ut the need for a university degree.’

منبع: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/foster-partners-launches-first-modelmaking-apprentice،p