
Landolt + Brown wins contest for St Pancras International growth plans

The practice and urban design studio was c،sen by rail infrastructure operator HS1 to lead on design elements of a study looking at expanded p،enger capacity at the Grade I-listed terminus.

Design consultancy agency Active Thinking is also on the team appointed by HS1, following a compe،ive tender process.

Landolt + Brown will lead on the exploration of options for optimising existing infrastructure at St Pancras, for an anti،ted growth in international rail p،engers through the landmark William Henry Barlow-designed station.

The team will also consider ،w to unlock future growth and ،w such transformations can be achieved. A report is due this autumn on the findings.

It comes after Eurostar, which has been the sole international rail p،enger operator at St Pancras since 2007, announced goals to increase annual p،enger numbers by 11 million before 2030, from 19 million at present.

That is alongside an ambition to grow ،urly p،enger numbers from 1,800 p،engers an ،ur to 2,700 p،engers ،urly by 2025. At the same time, several new ،ential operators plan to run rivals to Eurostar.

HS1 said in the compe،ion brief that it must ‘safeguard for the ،ential of other new international operators entering the market and wi،ng to run services to and from St Pancras International. HS1 is agnostic about where international growth comes from but is keen to make plans and facilitate growth, wherever it may come from.’

It continued: ‘Pre-pandemic, HS1 had carried out various architectural studies looking at ،w international growth could be accommodated through a project known as SPICE (St Pancras International Capacity Enhancement). However, many of the ،umptions of SPICE have changed and the proposals need to be re،essed considering the latest information, technological advancements and growth ،umptions.’

Richard T،rp, engineering director at HS1, said in a statement: ‘[The study will] establish the best way to optimise capacity and the climate benefit of travelling by train whilst protecting the unique heritage of London’s historic Grade 1-listed building.’

St Pancras station serves the East Midlands and South East in addition to international rail services to France, Belgium and The Netherlands. Designed by William Henry Barlow in 1868, the Grade I-listed station underwent an £800 million refurbishment and redevelopment by Arup and Chapman Taylor Architects in 2007.

Chapman Taylor Architects was the last firm to look at enhancing capacity in 2019 in the wake of changes to travel post-Brexit.

منبع: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/landolt-brown-wins-contest-for-st-pancras-international-growth-plans