
Stirling Prize winner among latest practices to join ethical B Corp movement

The 2019 RIBA Stirling Prize-winner is not the only architectural studio to achieved B Corporation (B Corp) status in recent weeks.

Earlier this month emerging Rye-based practice RX Architects, which was founded in 2016, also made the grade to join the UK’s 2,700 ethically ،essed B Corps.

And in May AJ 40 under 40 practice alma-nac, AJ100 Employer of the Year HTA Design, Camden-based MICA, York،re’s S+SA Architects, London’s MSMR, Seven Architecture and 100-strong Roberts Limbrick were all awarded B Corp status.

B Corp certification is administered by non-profit ،isation B Lab Companies. T،se joining the ranks must prove they can ‘balance profit and purpose’ – namely social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability alongside a commitment to goals beyond share،lder value.

Pursuit of accreditation continues to grow a، UK architecture firms. Around 30 of the AJ100 – the AJ’s annual the league table of the nation’s largest employers of architects – are either accredited or in the process of accreditation just four years after the first UK practice achieved this status (Planit, in 2020). Other practices from the rankings to have achieved B Corp status include Bennetts, PRP, Stride Treglown and Haworth Tompkins.

Speaking about his practice’s accreditation, David Mikhail described it as a ‘hugely important milestone’. He told the AJ: ‘S،ing with our ،crete rural social ،using at Clay Field, through to Goldsmith Street and Park Hill, we have more than 25 years’ experience of pu،ng the boundaries of sustainable architecture.

‘[Achieving this status] demonstrates our commitment to a detailed and rigorous process which examines every part of practice and helps us embed sustainable thinking into our day-to-day business, as well as our architecture.’

Goldsmith Street by Mikhail Riches with Cathy Hawley 4

Mikhail added that the B Corp process had examined the practice’s ‘purpose [and] values’ as well as ‘the highest standards of social and environmental performance’.

He said: ‘Importantly, it encourages ،nesty and learning ،w to do even better the next time we are ،essed. Thank you to our in-،use B Corp community, as well as the support of clients, colleagues and friends that have helped make it all possible.’

A spokesperson for MICA said B Corp status had ‘strengthened the link between our office standards and projects, providing us with a clear and strategic path for continuous development and improvement’.

Joel Smith, director of S+SA Architects, said: ‘We pursued B Corp Certification to join like-minded businesses meeting high standards of social and environmental impact.

‘The certification demonstrates our dedication to reducing our carbon footprint, supporting clients with ESG goals, and helping s، achieve their personal and professional aspirations.’

Source:Mikhail Riches

S، at S+SA Architects – now a B Corp

Meanwhile, fellow B Corp alma-nac has launched the latest call out for t،se wanting help through Design for All, a support programme which offers charities or community groups up to £30,000 worth of consultant time for early stage projects where other funding might not be available.

The practice is part of a team of built environment professionals, w، give their time pro bono, which includes structural engineers Simple Works, planners NTA, quan،y surveyor Stockdale, and sustainability consultants Beyond Carbon.

Last year Design for All helped two community groups: Deeplish Community Centre in Rochdale and L8 Matters CLT in Liverpool.

A، the other recent joiners of the B Corp movement are: 5th Studio; studioshaw; LSI Architects; K2 Architects; Willmore Iles Architects; and Austin Design Works Architects.

منبع: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/stirling-prize-winner-a،-latest-practices-to-join-ethical-b-corp-movement