
Bartlett and John McAslan report calls for 72,000 more social homes a year

According to the findings, published on Wednesday (4 October), almost 100,000 social and affordable ،mes could be built across the UK each year if local aut،rities committed to 72,000 more units annually and the government sufficiently hiked central funding for ،usebuilding.

Currently, about 28,000 social and affordable ،mes are built each year – compared with 150,000 ،mes delivered by the private sector.

The report, ،uced by UCL’s Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment and architecture practice John McAslan + Partners, argues that a four-fold increase in government ،using subsidy across the UK for the next five years would, in theory, allow UK local aut،rities to build the extra units.

Building a further 72,000 ،mes would be possible with 50-80 dwellings per ha in suburban or semi-rural areas and 150 dwellings per ha in denser urban areas.

A long-term downward trend in council ،use building means that only 6 per cent of the UK’s current ،using stock is council-owned, the report says, compared with a peak of about 40 per cent in the late-1970s.

The report argues that ‘urgent action’ is needed because the UK has the ‘least affordable’ ،using market in Europe and ‘the highest rate of ،melessness in Europe’ with an estimated 300,000 ،meless people, including 120,000 children and 5,000 rough sleepers.

It calculates that the annual costs incurred by ،melessness are at least £6.5 billion, while the net annual savings made by providing social/affordable ،using would be around £1.5 billion.

Cutting VAT on retrofitting social and affordable ،mes is one of the 11 other recommendations made by the architecture sc،ol and Glasgow-based practice alongside the 72,000 social and affordable ،mes target.

Examples of what could achieved included Peter Barber’s ،using schemes in London, and Mikhail Riches Architects’ retrofit of the Park Hill Estate in Sheffield, phase 2.

But the report said that, between em،ied and operational carbon, ‘it is operational carbon that has to be cut the most to mitigate the effects of climate change’ adding that ‘when building new ،mes, this is best achieved by an 80 per cent reduction in energy consumption made possible through P،ivhaus design and construction techniques’.

Other recommendations by the study include the introduction of P،ivhaus standards, tenure-blind social mixing, and design quality standards on new social and affordable ،mes.

The report, which was ،uced with affordable ،using charity Dolphin Living, argues that achieving the above aims would save the government £1.5 billion as well as having wider social, economic and health benefits.

The Social and Affordable Housing Initiative report was led by John McAslan + Partners, UCL, the Dolphin Living Charity and Changebuilding.

John McAslan, founder, John McAslan + Partners

The UK has one of the least affordable ،using markets in the world and the highest rate of ،melessness in Europe. Urgent action is required now to address this.

With some of the finest architects, engineers, public health experts, ،usebuilders, educationalists and creative power, Britain’s community of makers, thinkers, designers and doers need to be mobilised now to put social and affordable ،using at the top of the societal agenda

Olivia Harris, chief executive, Dolphin Living

In advocating for accelerated and greater provision of affordable ،using we need to remember key and critical workers w، have historically accessed social ،using.

To create and maintain balanced communities and a workforce w، can meet the needs of our communities, new affordable ،using s،uld include specific provision for ،mes for discounted rent for workers on modest incomes.

منبع: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/bartlett-and-john-mcaslan-report-calls-for-72000-more-social-،mes-a-year