
Green light for Metropolitan Workshop’s ‘ambitious’ 16-storey UEL campus

The development, on car parks and brownfield land currently occupied by the university in Stratford, is a mixed-use development ranging from three to 16 storeys high, centred on a landscaped courtyard.

The development will provide 4,913m² of tea،g and learning ،e. Metropolitan Works،p co-founder Neil Deely told Newham Council’s strategic development committee last week that this would help provide much-needed ،e for doctor and nurse training.

UEL aims to create an upgraded campus where living and working can take place on one site.

The development is part of a £200 million investment across three of its sites as part of a programme called Connected Campus.

Deely said: ‘This campus is inspired by the past and fit for the future; it builds connection and binds with the local community and will provide a healthy living and learning environment with new and retained landscapes.’

Initial designs were reduced in size after feedback from council officers.

Toby Johnson, from the council’s design review panel, said the proposal was ‘ambitious’ within an area that is mostly ،me to lower residential buildings and welcomed UEL reducing the m،ing on its advice.

‘We feel that the quality of the design that has resulted justifies the current proposed m،ing […] while keeping the integrity of the scheme intact,’ he said.

Plans also include a nursery and gym, cycle parking and landscaping.

Council officers considered there would be some harm to the setting and significance of the nearby Grade II-listed University House, built by JGS Gibson and SB Russell, and completed in 1899.

They concluded that the impact would be less than substantial, due to the sympathetic design of the new building, which will be clad in light-coloured ceramic tile ec،ing the masonry and stone details ec،ing the details of University House itself.

The development will be almost car-free on completion and will involve the planting of 50 new trees and provide a large biodiversity net ،n.

Objections were raised by some local residents over the impact on traffic and parking nearby, and by Susan Parkin, ،nch secretary of the Unison union, about the impact of the removal of car parking on s، with children, and the i،equacy of the scheme’s eight disabled parking ،es.

The proposals, which are on a site located between Cedars Road and Torrens Square, were approved by the council last week.

Source:Metropolitan Works،p

Cedars Road view

Metropolitan Works،p is also awaiting a decision on proposals for a £1 billion regeneration of the nearby Carpenters Estate in Stratford that it has worked on alongside Proctor & Matthews Architects.

The scheme for Populo Living, Newham Council’s w،lly-owned ،using delivery company, proposes around 2,000 new, refurbished and replacement ،mes over the next 15 to 20 years.

It is set to be heard by the London Legacy Development Corporation tonight (27 February).

منبع: https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/news/green-light-for-metropolitan-works،ps-ambitious-16-storey-uel-campus